We should improve the way in which income is distributed, protect lawful income, increase the income of low-income groups, adjust excessively high income, and prohibit illicit income. 规范收入分配秩序,保护合法收入,增加低收入者收入,调节过高收入,取缔非法收入。
The illicit gains of a penalized unit or individual which are returned or confiscated shall be deducted from the annual sales income or operating revenue for the year in which the case is settled. 被处罚的单位和个体工商户,其退还或者被收缴的非法所得,应当抵减其结案年度的销售收入或者营业收入。
The power to reclassify rural land as industrial or urban lies with government officials, who derive much of their official revenues ( not to mention illicit personal income) from selling reclassified land. 将农村土地转化为工业或城市用地的审批权掌握在政府官员手中,很大一部分政府收入(更不用说还有非法的个人收入)均来自重新归类的土地销售。
The major efficient methods to strengthen the elasticity of savings interest rate involve adopting market principle to interest rate mechanism, multiplying financial market, extending consumer credits, raising resident's income and restricting illicit income. 利率机制市场化、金融市场多样化和扩大消费信贷提高居民收入和限制非法收入等是提高储蓄利率弹性的有效方法。
The crime that produces illicit income belongs to upper crimes, while money laundering is a part of lower crime. 产生非法收益的犯罪属于上游犯罪,而洗钱犯罪则属于下游犯罪。